A huge ice storm hit the area in March and the woods are all askew. Downed trees are everywhere, large boughs broken and scattered, and the more brittle varieties — evergreens and birches — snapped off at the trunk. In the deepest woods, the tallest ones can’t seem to find their way down to the ground and remain suspended at precarious angles, resting on the kindness of neighbors. I’m told they’re called widowmakers — best not to contemplate.
And despite it all — even despite the April snowshowers — spring springs eternal, once the spring is sprung, and sprung it is. Buds and catkins are doing their thing, the insects are waking, and the phoebes have arrived to dine on them. Also, the dastardly cowbirds, watching the phoebes, and waiting. Beware!
Finally, Debbie knows a couple who are interested in renting in the community — contact her for more information. My next project on the site is to add a bulletin board for members to post their own notices. More news on this shortly.