The Rapture of May

I had a feeling Harold Camping was going to be proven wrong for a second time when I saw how busy the robins were this week, feeding their new chicks:

Feed Me, Seymour!

Well the world may not have ended, but we certainly had an epic deluge.  A solid week of rain, and then suddenly Pow! Pow! Pow! We were pelted by thousands of marble-sized hailstones, quite impressive even if relatively low on the official Hail Scale ™ (1. Marbles, 2. Golf Balls, 3. Grapefruit).  Barely had I time to stow the obligatory Bowl of Hail in the freezer when the sky split into a massive rainstorm.

The ground was already swelling from all the water it had soaked up this week, so the runoff was extreme.   All the colverts were overloaded, some jammed with leaves and others just couldn’t take the volume.  The dirt road looked like a river in most sections, and in several places was flooded out entirely.

Many rivers to cross...

The frogs and mosquitoes had quite a party, but Carmen Barbato was on the scene in no time, inspecting the damage, and aside from a few new channels in the road here and there. no harm was done.  Our local robins got back to pulling worms for their hungry brood, and I went for a walk in the misty woods.

Misty Mountains

One final note:  I used some of the rainy time to add a bulletin board to the website, available for members to post notices or enjoy general discussions.  As always, let me know if you have questions or suggestions.  Here’s to sunny days ahead!

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