Annual Meeting: July 20, 2024


Eva Thaddeus, Annie, Miri & Bruno Navasky, Susan Krim, Marti Bone & Michael Rosenberg, Judy & Noah Reibel, Dmitri Cavander


  • $5,800 in capital Funds
  • $14,900 in operating account

Overall at this point in the year we have spent $6000 more than we took in (partly due to road expenses but primarily due to Farmhouse repairs of $14,000 on roof).


  • Looking good. only problem left is the area around Judy’s house.  
  • Burfeind recommended we put in 2-3 culverts.  He estimates the total to be $7600 (it concludes excavating them).  He thinks this will immediately fix problem. Only decision is whether to do do both culverts at once or do it over 2 years.  Worry that the Work at Debra’s house is going to cause more problems – should we wait until it’s done? Susan will discuss with Burfeind and then report back to Board.   Board will vote on culverts. 
  • Limiting plowing will also help with road. Anne Navasky says her road does not need to be plowed with only a few inches of snow. 

Fast Drivers

  • Signs – Miri/Izzy made speed signs to put up on trees. 
  • Speed Bumps – Susan raises idea of putting speeds bumps on road (the kids that are reusable). Only issue is that they will have to be removed before plowing.  Community unanimous to try at least a couple of speed bumps. Susan will follow up

Kiosk for Packages by Dumpster

  • The community discussed adding a kiost for packages by the dumpster at the pond, to reduce trucks on community roads.
  • Anne and Miri Navasky will look into pre-made kiosk to put near Garbage area but would need signage with everyone’s House number/Name?  Annie/Miri also talk to Wesley about the cost of building a small one? 


  • Dmitri raises garbage left in Barn.  Please clean up after yourself.
  • Dmitri raises peeling paint on Barn.  Annie offers to reach out to Wesley about doing touch ups.  
  • Bruno discusses furniture in Barn. Including projector. 
  • Discussion of electricity in Barn (preference towards solar). Dmitri to reach out to electrician Caleb to do estimate on electrifying Barn – both for grid-connected electricity and self-contained solar electricity.  Dmitri will reach out. 


  • Noah raises the desire to test pond water.  He will do some research about pond care and water quality. Though what difference will it make unless we fence the pond from nature.  He will still look into it.  Bruno has obtained a test, and offered to work with Noah to test the water.
  • Susan raises all the floaty things left around pond.  Clean up! 

Tennis Court

  • Some cracks need to be fixed but we are not budgeting for that this year.
  • Old Sitting Area needs to be torn out (Alfred will organize a group to break up deck)
  • Vines growing on fences not good. (Bruno and Annie and Dmitri will do some clearing)
  • Still would be nice to close off area of fence in back. 


  • Workday took place at Orchard (took fences down, quinces are great, pears for the first time, paw-paws and apples)! 
  • Eva will ask Board to purchase new apple and plum tree for fall planting.

Additional Things

  • Deb’s lot – Deb has been suffering from long Covid and construction of her house is on hold for now.  Plan had been to build in 2025 but will likely be delayed.
  • Willow Tree – Marti raises idea of planting a willow tree at pond.  Eva will research.
  • Stilt Grass – Question of whether it’s worth it to continue to try and mow back all the stilt grass if will is cheap enough – but generally people feel maybe we are losing battle. Eva will ask Debra what she thinks.  
  • Open Meadow – Will will continue to mow open meadow once a year. 
  • Dumpster – seems to be working. 
  • Cemetery concept – would be nice to have an area for ashes or just memorial stones some where.  Miri and Eva will walk land by pond over Labor Day to see if they can find good placement. 
  • Board discussed modest Increase in Dues. There were 7 or 9 years where there was no increase.  Then we raised it 3 years ago by $200.  Now Board would like to do a modest increase more frequently but by smaller amount.  Board proposes raising $50 per dues so $100/year starting in January. And do that every couple of years. Susan says lets reassess/reevaluate every 2 years and not just automatically raise it unless we need to.  Vote is have a regular reassessment of dues every 2 years (in even number years).  Unanimous YES.  
  • Vagueness in bylaws about whether community approval is necessary for maintenance changes. Bruno proposed a change in wording to the by-laws, to leave maintenance fees to the discretion of the board. Old version: “Maintenance Fund and Improvement Fund charges shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors and shall be submitted for approval to the membership.” Proposed change: “Maintenance Fund and Improvement Fund charges shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors. Improvement Fund charges shall be submitted for approval to the membership.” Unanimous YES.
  • Re-election of Board – all willing to serve in same positions.  All in favor of reappointing current board.  Unanimous YES. 

The meeting was held at the home of Anne Navasky. Minutes submitted by Miri Navasky.

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