All posts by Bruno

Board Meeting minutes: June 28, 2020


Susan Krim, Miri Navasky, Judy Reibel, Alfred Souza, Eva Thaddeus

New Board Officers

Eva, Alfred and Susan all agreed to continue in their current roles. Miri was voted in as Secretary. (Judy willing to be secretary alternate until she steps down).  Miri will also ask Rachel to be backup notetaker in Judy’s absence or for Judy until Rachel can formally join the board.

Board offices for 2020-21 are as follows:

  • President – Eva Thaddeus
  • Vice President – Vice President
  • Treasurer – Susan Krim
  • Assistant Treasurer (pro tem) – Judy Reibel
  • Secretary – Miri Navasky



Susan Krim felt it was a good idea to have someone else become familiar with how she has set up Quickbooks for the community.  She said she had discussed with Bruno and that they would meet soon. Board agreed this was a good idea.


There was continued discussion about how to assess the feasibility of saving of the barn.  Board agreed that Eva will send out an email to all community members as soon as possible to gauge how much money members are willing to put towards saving the barn.  Members will be asked how much they are willing to pledge now and what they might be willing to pledge over time. There was additional discussion about mortgages and lines of credit (the complications, possibilities/impossibilities, pros/cons). It was ultimately decided that it would make more sense to wait for the response to the email before any further research is done.


The next meeting was set for August 23rd at 10am.  

The meeting was held remotely on Zoom video. Minutes courtesy of Miri Navasky.

Annual Meeting: June 28, 2020

In Attendance

Marty Bone, Rachel Dretzin (by proxy of Joanna Dretzin), Susan Krim, Wendy Lydell, Deborah Meier, Anne and Victor Navasky, Miri Navasky, Jenny Navasky, Bruno Navasky, Judy Reibel, Jane Rose, Michael Rosenberg, Alfred Sousa, Eva Thaddeus.

Eva Thaddeus called the meeting to order.

Financial Report

Susan Krim gave the financial report and reminded members that dues are due now for the July 1 payment.

Common Areas

Eva Thaddeus reported that the tennis court has now been fixed and is useable.  She also reported that the Orchard is doing well.  The trees are 3 years old and should be making fruit next year.  She would also like to plant 2 paw-paws and an elderberry and a pear next year.  She asked that if there is interest in a member “adopting” a tree, it would be helpful to put cardboard down around them to keep the weeds down. Eva and Bruno gave a slide show on invasive species (slideshow is available for download, and attached to these minutes, below).

Garbage Procedures

Garbage was discussed.  There are important garbage practices.  It is emptied every Monday, so there should be no parking there on that day until it is emptied.

If the dumpster is full, anyone can call.  For large items, one should call Carmen Barbato (325 3331) and make arrangements to drop it off at Barbato.

There should be no plastic bags in the recycling bin.  If you are collecting paper and tins and glass in the bags, dump the contents in the recycling bin, and then put the bag in the regular garbage.  Break down your boxes.  Do not leave anything outside the bin.   It will not be taken.


Susan gave the road update.  The community spent $16,000 in the past year on the road.  Wendy pointed out that there are ruts in the road between the farmhouse and the Rosenberg house.  Susan will explore the ruts that are still in the road in front of the Reibel house. It was decided that the road will be an on-going topic.

Physical Distancing for Coronavirus

Eva Asked the community if there were problems at the pond that should be considered re covid-related practices.  Susan pointed out that it was crowded at the pond at times.  Wendy pointed out that there were not enough shady places to sit, so people tended to crowd around the 2 Trees.  Rachel and Debbie both said that they found the pond deserted at most of the times when they swam.  Eva asked if anyone felt un-safe at the pond

In relation to Covid 19 and no one felt unsafe.


Eva asked if there were any creative last-ditch proposals for saving it.  She also said that it would likely be a $15,000 charge to take the barn down plus the cost of re-landscaping.  She suggested that there might be an anonymous fund for renovating the barn and that anyone interested in contributing to that fund should e-mail her and she would keep those contributions anonymous.  This suggestion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Board Election

The new board was decided on.  Anne Navasky dropped out and Miri Navasky replaced her.  Rachel Dretzin will replace Judy Reibel as soon as Joanna adds her and her sister Julie to the deed on her house.  Meanwhile, they will both attend board meetings

With no further business, the meeting was then adjourned.

The meeting was attended remotely by video. Minutes submitted by Anne Navasky.


Board Meeting Minutes: May 3, 2020


Susan Krim, Anne Navasky, Judy Reibel, Alfred Sousa, Eva Thaddeus


Carmen should be called when the recycling bin is full because there is no regular pick up for the recycling as there is for for the non-recycling bin.  Anne pointed out that there are often plastic bags in the bin which are not recyclable.  Also that boxes are often not broken down which fills the bin faster and the community is charged by the “pull”.  She will try to replace the recycling parameters.


Anne will remind Carmen to look at the bad spots—identify them .  Eva and Susan will follow up by asking contacts for suggestions for other plowing vendors.


Vern Schnackenberg revisited the barn and found it to be in worse shape than he had previously evaluated it to be.  His estimate would be at least as high as the previous ones.  Approval for repairs to the barn must be 100% according to the by-laws.  Padlocking the barn and restricting to adult use was discussed. We shall put off all final decisions to the community meeting.


We have $8000 in the bank with another $4000 due in rent from Debbie.  Debbie’s rent will go from $1350 per month to $1376 starting in June


The repairs will be finished by June and it will be ready for use then.  [Update: the court is now finished and ready to use.] Anne will send out a notice reminding members that $1800 was the cost of the basketball installation at the far end of the court, and any community members who might want to contribute to it will be welcome to do so.


Anne was asked to find out if our insurance is up to date and covers renters using the community property.


The screen doors need fixing.   Anne pointed out that this was already considered in an earlier meeting and approved.


Questions arose about Covid 19 and the use of the pond.  This was postponed to be considered at the Annual community meeting.

The Meeting was held by Zoom video. Minutes submitted by Anne Navasky.

Board Meeting Minutes: February 16, 2020


Eva Thaddeus, Anne Navasky, Susan Krim, Judy Reibel, Alfred Sousa (by phone). Additional community members also present: Bruno Navasky,  Jenny Navasky, Miri Navasky, Michael Rosenberg.

Eva called the meeting to order and presented the agenda which was discussed as follows:

Financial Report

Susan delivered the financial report:  We have $13,000 in the bank with $3800 due and expected payments of $6500 to be made.  This will have to last through June when July 1 dues come in.  Susan is disputing bills with Carmen who has raised his rates but has billed at the new, higher rate not only in the future, but has back-dated the bills to November 2019. 

Road Maintenance

Since Carmen has raised his rates, we will need other estimates to compare with his.   Anne presented an estimate from Martyn Moore-Bridger  (for plowing the road, $380 per time, for sanding and salting the road $380 per time , for both the bill including taxes would be $820 per time).

The consensus was that this estimate could end up costing more than Carmen’s new billing since it was “per time.”  Eva  will get an estimate from the Schnackenburg son who re-did her driveway.  Anne will also email Mr Moore-Bridger to see what he would charge for a monthly  retainer.

Tennis Court

The company doing the tennis court has been paid a deposit of $8000.  The work will proceed in the spring as permitted by the weather.  We will then owe another $8000 which will be difficult to come by given the billing expectations for the spring.   Anne will investigate the possibility of overdraft borrowing from the bank.  Alfred will investigate payment options from the tennis court company.  Anne also reminded the Board that the families that wanted the basketball addition to the tennis court would be willing to pay for that part of the bill which was $1800.  She will send a notice around to those families to find out if they are willing to contribute to this.

Barn Restoration

Eva received an informal estimate from Verne Schnackenburg who feels that the framing of the barn is in pretty good condition, the problem is with the foundation and particularly with the western-facing foundation.   He suggested that we take that fourth, most western bay of the barn, which has no floor,  and eliminate  its foundation and it’s western wall, keeping the other two walls of that bay and its roof, and creating a covered patio space .  He feels that we could then put in new flooring on the other 3 bays which have lesser problems in making them sound.  The Board approved $400 to be offered to Verne for a comprehensive estimate for this plan.  Eva will also try to find someone who will clean out the barn, since the junk man that Anne was going to hire is now out of business.

New Local Law for Short-Term Rentals

The new law mandates that rentals under one month in length will require a permit.  Additonally, the house will have to be checked by the Town, a caretaker living within 20 miles of the house is required if the owner is not living in Hillsdale.  More information on the new law is available on the Community Documents page.


Deborah Meier is due for a rent increase according to the original formula set up for her rental.  This was approved unanimously.

Next Meeting

The next board meeting was set for Sunday, April 19, 2020. All members are invited. With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.

The meeting was held at the home of Susan Krim. Minutes submitted by Anne Navasky.

Board Meeting Minutes: September 22, 2019


From the Board: Susan Krim, Anne Navasky, Judy Reibel, Alfred Souza, Eva Thaddeus. Additional community members: Wendy Liddell, Deborah Meier, Michael Rosenberg .

Community Maintenance/Improvement History

Eva Thaddeus called the meeting to order and asked Anne and Judy to give a brief history of the community’s financing of maintenance and improvements. Anne related that the land was purchased for $130,000 with the farmhouse and the tenant cottage and two barns. There were 13 original members who each put up $10,000. The farmhouse was mortgaged to enable the building of the road, the pond and the tennis court. The small barn was allowed to deteriorate and fall down and was removed. Eventually the tenant cottage was sold. The farmhouse was originally used by those members that did not build immediately and was eventually rented to Deborah Meier, who had not built on her site. The original lease that was arranged was for improvements in lieu of rent. With the community’s approval, Deborah added a bathroom, a new and enlarged kitchen, a downstairs bedroom, a screened porch and paid for the necessary upkeep such as painting and repairs. At one point, Deborah wanted to buy the farmhouse and make that her official site, but that required a 100% vote of the full community and 3 members voted no. 

Unbuilt Sites

There was also a brief discussion regarding the remaining unbuilt sites in the community. Of the three sites that are not built on, one is owned by Deborah Meier, one by Jane Rose and one by the community. The taxes are very low on these sites and Susan suggested that it is worth continuing to hold the site that is owned by the community. 

Financial Report

Susan gave the financial report. At this time, we have $16,291 in checking account and $18, 133 in savings for a total of $34,424. We have $6,573 due in school taxes, a probable bill due from Carmen Barbato for the roadwork of $16,000, and a proposal (not yet accepted) from Martyn Moore-bridger for tree removal and trimming to protect the farmhouse, expected to be $3000 to $4000. 

Invasive Plants

Eva reported on invasive plants. Will mowed the invasive grass on the side of the road before it seeded. 

Barn Plans

Anne reported on the barn. We have no new estimates. She will ask Wes Coon if he can give us a written estimate for stabilizing, re-roofing and repairing siding and a new wooden floor. Eva will also look for a new estimate. Anne said that it looked as though it would cost between $100,000 and $150,000 to do this, and from her exploration for financing so far, she thought commercial financing might be difficult to obtain. The community may have to look to private financing (from willing community members) or a large assessment. 

Tennis Court

Alfred reported on tennis court repairs. He presented an estimate from a reliable tennis court provider that was for $16,000 with Cedar posts and most likely $18,000 with metal posts. He will try to get the final quote as low as possible. Susan noted that the Capital Fund would cover half of the cost of the work, and that the community would have to pay for the other half through an assessment. Anne moved that we finalize and accept the bid and assess community members $800 per member, due by December 1, 2019. The motion passed with 4 members in favor, and one abstention. 

Next Meeting

The next Board meeting was set for January 19, 2020. All members are invited to attend. With no further business to discuss, the meeting was then adjourned. 

The meeting was held at the home of Anne Navasky. Minutes submitted by Anne Navasky.

Annual meeting: August 3, 2019

In Attendance

Marty Bone/Michael Rosenberg, Dmitri Cavander/Megan Gelstein, Susan Krim, Wendy Lidell, Victor/Anne Navasky, Bruno/Miri /Jenny Navasky, Judy Reibel, Alfred Souza/Fabiana Viso, Eva Thaddeus


Joanna Dretzin, Debbie Meier, and Jane Rose (Debbie and Joanna gave proxies to Annie).

Financial Report

Susan Krim reported $36,611 in income and #37, 548 in expenses. As of August 1, 2019, the community had $33,000 in the bank, with $4,000 in outstanding dues still anticipated. (See two attachments for additional information.)


Carmen has been given the go-ahead and work should begin soon. 


Megan presented a preliminary estimate of barn restoration costs. Eva moderated a discussion on whether/how the barn should be restored. All community members present spoke. 

Speakers in favor of restoration noted the potential value of the barn as a community resource, its historical value, and its emotional value to some community members.  Concerns regarding restoration included the cost of the project, the affordability of a long-term mortgage to support it, and the need for additional or more detailed estimates. Some members suggested that we not consider a simple stabilization but rather the cost to make the barn usable for specific purposes, and that we not consider it in isolation but in tandem with the tennis court. It was noted that depending on our plans we may need to budget additional fees for maintenance, and develop policies to ensure community resources are well-maintained in the future. It was noted that there will be a cost of removal if we decide not to restore the barn.

Action steps

  • Annie and Judy will have information about a possible mortgage by the next Board meeting.
  • Dmitri, Alfred and Jenny will look into the cost of making the tennis court usable.
  • Megan will look into getting a second estimate for the basic restoration of the barn. 
  • Annie will hire a “junk man” this fall to clean out the barn


Bruno noted that the community by-laws specify that the annual meeting be held on a weekday in March, and offered to work with the board to provide an amendment geared to a summer meeting with a more flexible date. He also noted that the by-laws specify five board members. He suggested that five would be more efficient than our current board of eight and moved that we elect five members this year in accordance with the by-laws, rather than amending them to allow for additional board members. Victor seconded the motion. It passed with a majority of community members. He also noted that the board was free to ask for and accept assistance on any issue from the community at large. The board agreed to share notice of meeting dates and welcome any community members who wished to observe.


Annie will get a list of what can be recycled in our community bin, share with community, and post on the bin.

Election of New Board

The community held a ballot vote and elected the 2019-2020 board: Anne Navasky, Judy Reibel, Susan Krim, Alfred Souza, and Eva Thaddeus.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned to allow the board to meet.

The meeting was held at the home of Anne Navasky. Minutes submitted by Eva Thaddeus.

Board Meeting Minutes: August 3, 2019


Susan Krim, Anne Navasky, Judy Reibel, Alfred Souza, Eva Thaddeus

Election of Officers

The newly elected Board met immediately after the Annual Meeting, to elect officers and to set a date. Anne Navasky called the meeting to order. The following designations were decided on after a brief conversation:

  • Eva Thaddeus, President 
  • Alfred Souza, Vice President 
  • Anne Navasky, Secretary 
  • Susan Krim, Treasurer 
  • Judy Reibel, Assistant Treasurer

The date of the Next Board Meeting was set for September 22, 2019. All community members were invited to attend.

The meeting was held at the home of Anne Navasky. Minutes submitted by Anne Navasky.

Board Meeting Minutes: July 13, 2019


Susan Krim, Annie Navasky, Joanna Dretzin, Michael Rosenberg, Judy Reibel, Eva Thaddeus. Absent: Alfred Souza. Guests: Tom Shephard, Miri Navasky, Rachel Dretzin, Barack Goodman.

Road update

Susan reported on road work to date, with the help of Tom Shephard. The trees have been cut back 5 to 10 feet from the road.  The cost was about $7,000, and has been paid for already. Ditches have been dug, and 3 culverts have been replaced.

Work proposed includes crowning the steepest part of the road (from the stream culvert to the Anne Navasky house), deepening the ditch on the east side of road and lining it with hurricane rock, digging additional side ditches dug on the west side of the road, crowning the back road from Krim to Souza, and having the road regraded after the crowning work completed. The cost will be $15,000. Eva offered to ask Eric Schnackenberg to give a competing estimate. (Update – Eric said he was too busy this season.)

The board voted unanimously to  go ahead this summer by August 1 to improve the road.


A new boiler has been installed at the farmhouse, and the bill paid at a cost of $3500, approved earlier by phone meeting. The board also approved reimbursement to Deborah Meier for repairs to farmhouse screens and upstairs shower.

Treasury Report

As of July 1 (beginning of the fiscal year) we had $23,628 in our two accounts.  Since then we have paid two additional large bills ($4,600 for taxes and $3,800 for Carmen). So in effect we have $15,000 remaining.  This will allow us to pay for the projected road expenses without requiring an assessment.


Megan and Dimitri presented a preliminary estimate on the cost of three possibilities regarding the barn:

  1. Demolish and remove barn.
  2. Build a new structure in same location.
  3. Repair and improve existing structure.

They also presented an estimate of what each Hillsdale family would need to pay yearly if the Barn work were paid for by taking out a 30-year mortgage on the farmhouse.

The Board discussed the proposal and requested that Megan get a detailed estimate ready in time for the general meeting (August 3) for two scenarios:

  1. Existing structure restored similarly to the condition it was in 40 years ago, including foundation, frame, siding, flooring,  roof, and painting.
  2. Existing structure restored and also improved to include a studio, bathroom and kitchenette that are plumbed, electrified, insulated and heated.


The board voted unanimously (except for Eva, who abstained) – to reimburse Eva $500 for the expense of fencing materials for the orchard trees. The board also requested that such expenses in future be approved in advance.


It was noted that the tarp under the sand in the entrance area  is coming up in places. Discussion about whether to add more sand was inconclusive.  Some were in favor; others pointing out that the pond gradually fills up if we keep adding sand, and that it has already gotten noticeably shallower. The decision about more sand was deferred.  Miri volunteered to cut the ragged edges of the tarp this summer and see if that helps.


The recycling bin is being used for a variety of materials including things that are not recyclable. The board agreed to ask David Mizner to make a list by the annual meeting (August 3) of what can and cannot go into our recycling bin. Annie volunteered to circulate that list to members [ed. note: it can also be posted on the website]. Alfred and Fabiana are asked to make sure their renters see this list once it has been created.

Invasive Plants

Eva raised the issue of various invasive plants that are making inroads in our community.  She has been on a personal crusade against barberry and burning bush, and Bruno and Melissa have spent time removing water chestnuts from the pond and garlic mustard from the roadsides. Eva and Bruno were asked to create a visual guide to some of the invasive plants – one that can be presented on August 3 and also posted on the website.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of Hillsdale Neighbors will be held on August 3, 2019, at the home of Anne Navasky.

The meeting was held at the home of Anne Navasky. Minutes submitted by Eva Thaddeus.

Annual Meeting: July 15, 2018

In Attendance

Marty Bone/Michael Rosenberg, Dmitri Cavander/Megan Gelstein, Rachel Dretzin, Susan Krim, Wendy Lidell, Debbie Meier, Victor & Annie Navasky, David Mizner/Miri Navasky/Bruno Navasky, Judy Reibel, Alfred Souza/Fabiana Viso, Eva Thaddeus


Jane Rose

Financial Report

Susan Krim reported that approximately $10,000 remains in the checking account, and $12,000 in the savings account.

Road Repairs

Susan reported that the plan is part finished. Tree removal is complete, but ditches still need to be re-established, and Carmen still needs to make improvements to the road. Tom has found somebody who will blow leaves out of the ditches within the next 2-3 weeks.  After that, the next part will be to have the ditches and 2 culverts re-dug, and rocks put in strategic locations.  Susan will push for getting it all done before winter. She cannot be sure of the time frame right now. She coordinates with Tom who puts time pressure on Carmen. Final cost of all the road improvements will be about $12,500.

At one point the town was willing to take over ownership and maintenance of our road.  Victor wonders if the town would still be interested. They would pay. However, we would lose control, and the town could choose to tar, widen, extend the road, or link it with others without community approval.

Barn Repairs

Annie has gotten two verbal estimates on stabilization:

  • $100K – Phil (worked on Dmitri and Megan’s house)
  • $75K – barn guy recommended by Herrington

These estimates are for structural stabilization only.  Not renovation or improvement.

There are various possibilities that range from letting it fall down, to repairing and renovating it, to demolishing and rebuilding it.  Suggestion is that we work on getting a menu of estimates for the different possibilities so we know how much they would all cost.

The consensus is that we would like to renovate it and make it more functional.

Michael and Wendy voiced a need to limit the expenditures. Rachel voiced an interest in a renovation that might include a studio rental space that she and/or Miri could rent as a workspace.

A motion passed unanimously to investigate further to learn the cost of the different possibilities.  Meanwhile Judy and Annie will investigate the possibility of the community getting a line of credit to finance work on the barn.  Wendy will look into the possibility of a Kickstarter campaign to fund the restoration.

Annie put us on notice that a barn cleaner will be throwing away junk in August.  Everything we want to preserve must be removed from the barn by early August and stored elsewhere temporarily.

Tennis Court

Carmen gave us two quotes for a new fence.

  • 4”x4” green turkey wire,  pressure treated wood: $9150 plus tax
  • vinyl coated chain link: $13,000 plus tax

There will need to be an assessment of approximately $1K for each family to fund this. A motion passed in favor of authorizing the Board to get the tennis court fence built as soon as possible and to determine which option (a or b) will be funded.  All were in favor except Bruno who voted no.

Orchard Progress

Eva reported that Will has mowed a walking path around the orchard and the meadow, and will keep these places mowed so we can visit and enjoy them.

The trees are doing well with the exception of some leaf rust that has made an appearance.  Trees are growing fast. Blueberries and black currants have had berries this year. Probably year after next for the fruit trees.  We have quince, pears, plums, a peach, an apricot and several kinds of apple trees. The deer fencing is working. Weeding the shrubs is an ongoing need.

Pond Algae

Bruno reported that Antony Archer-Wills, the “pond guru,” came and said good things about our pond.  Overall it is healthy and fit for swimming. Algae might be caused by extra nutrients contributed by grass clippings.  Will will be starting to move grass clippings away from the pond.


David reported that we got the $80 bin instead of the $100 bin and it is too small for us.  This one filled up in 2 weeks so it would be nice to get the bigger one.  It is mixed recycling – plastic, glass, aluminum. The supermarket also has recycling in case our bin is full.

Election of Officers

A motion was passed unanimously that the existing Board will continue with the addition of Megan. This means the Board consists of Annie, Susan, Joanna, Judy, Michael, Alfred, Eva, Megan.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 in time to watch the World Cup final.

The meeting was held on the morning of July 15, 2018, at the home of Anne Navasky. Minutes submitted by Eva Thaddeus.

Board Meeting Minutes: June 3, 2018


Michael Rosenberg, Anne Navasky, Susan Krim, Alfred Souza, Judy Reibel

Financial Report

Susan Krim gave the financial report.  We currently have $12,300 in our Savings account (for Capital improvements) and a total of $13,800 in our operating account.

Tennis Court

Anne reported that several families wanted to get the tennis court put in useful condition. She also requested that some members wanted to put up a regulation basketball post and net at the edge of the tennis court at their own expense.   The consensus of the Board members present was that there was no objection to either of these per se, but that we need to know what the costs would be for the fence and that the basketball net installation should be coordinated with the fencing in a manner that was not obtrusive or dangerous.   Anne will get a fencing estimate.

Barn Repairs

The cost to bring the barn up to stability is prohibitive, one rough estimate from a contractor was $100,000 and one was $75,000.   Anne will try to get a written estimate from the $75,000 contractor.  There is partial interest from Board members in taking out a mortgage to save the barn.  This possibility will be posed to the entire community at the next full community meeting.  Meanwhile the board approved a  cleaning of the barn.  Anne will get an estimate from the Junk Man and if it is reasonable we shall send out a memo to the community that personal items should be removed or they will be disposed of by a certain date, hopefully in August. Henceforth personal items should not be stored in the barn.


Recycling was discussed.   David Mizner spoke to Carmen Barbato, Jr.    He can provide a dumpster that will receive all recyclables and he will charge $125 per “pull” (each time it has to be emptied). The Board approved this unanimously and has given David permission to follow through with Carmen.

Home Rentals

The Rental of their homes, by community members was discussed.  It was decided that the renters should understand that they cannot have group rentals and that they should be told to use discretion when having friends join them at the pond.

Road Repairs

Tom Shepherd visited to give a report on his tour of the roads with Carmen Senior.   40 years worth of leaves and material have collected at the sides of the road and have built a ridge that directs water back to the center of the road.  The first order of business is to vacuum the sides to rid us of the leaf and detritus build-up.   Then  Carmen can access the material and also dig out the ditches at the road sides.  At the same time, he can replace the 3 or 4 culverts that need replacing.  Tom will bring us an estimate for the vacuuming which he thinks will be in the area of $1500.  The whole job should be about $12,000.   The Board approved all of the preceding  to the amount of $15,000.

Community Meeting

The Board established a full community meeting for Sunday, July 15.   A notice will be sent out by Anne Navasky.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

The meeting was held at the home of Anne Navasky. Minutes submitted by Anne Navasky.