Board Meeting Minutes: April 13, 2024


Rachel Dretzin, Miri Navasky, Alfred Souza, Eva Thaddeus


Susan was unable to attend, but sent in the following summary which Eva presented: 

We are in a relatively healthy financial situation: 

• Main Account = $14,317

• Savings/Capital Account $7796

Susan is planning to transfer the money from January dues/rent to Capital account, but needs to go through in more detail first.   She is away, so not yet sure if Debbie has sent in her dues/rent for April (total of $4386). Will check when she is back. 

• Plowing :  Susan paid Martin in February – so we are up to date there unless there has been more plowing since then.  We are unsure, but do not think there has been a lot.  And he has not emailed any other invoices yet. However, we do not think it will be a big plowing year. 

• Susan is back on Wednesday and will update us if there are any further invoices.   She expects one more invoice from Carmen – has had difficulty getting it from him.  


Bear got into garbage again.  Was reported earlier in the week by Noah to Bruno and Eva.  We think that when Barbato empties it he does not put the strap back on.  Not sure what to be done about this. 

[Note from Bruno: Wendy organized a clean-up meeting and the garbage was put away relatively quickly. There was some damage to the dumpster lid, but Barbato picked up the trash and popped it back into place. We’ve contacted them to ask for options on a bear-proof dumpster, and hope to have information in time to report at the annual meeting. Generally, the raids on the dumpster happen once or twice a year, almost always in the spring before other foods are readily available. Noah suggests that during the interim people hold their garbage until Sunday when possible, to minimize time in the dumpster. (Barbato picks up the trash on Mondays.)]


Will is supposed to mow the meadow — need to find an appropriate time with him when the quality of meadow is not too muddy, etc… Eva will follow up.  The meadow should be mowed every couple of years — otherwise shrubs will grow back, etc…


Discussion of whether we could carve out an area of space down by the orchard to use as graveyard/burial/memorial of sorts for ashes, memorial stones etc…for those in the community that might want to make use of it.  Board is all in favor and felt we should put it out to the community as a whole.  We discussed all sorts of possibilities from locations to slate stones similar to those in the orchard, sculptures, etc…We will put it on the agenda for the June 15th Community Meeting for approval by whole community. 


There is no need to do a large increase, but we haven’t raised the dues for 2 years and there has been 8% inflation this year – so we feel it is right to do a modest increase at this time as costs for everything – plowing, mowing, barbato – are likely to increase. 

Rachel:  Motion to raise dues approx 4% for an annual increase of $100 (biannual increase of $50).  All members voted yes — will put to the general community for a vote


Discussion of tennis court needs (cleaning up moss, removing rotted deck).  As well as Orchard needs (eva is hoping infestation is over – time to take fences down, weeding, replanting in areas that didn’t survive).  Board is in favor of creating some kind of community day of work that would happen annually (tentatively thinking the weekend of July 4th or possibly June 15th when full community meeting is happening).  will also discuss at community meeting – but might send out email ahead of that to alert people (i.e. planting of trees might be better to happen in June). 


The date of the annual meeting was set for Saturday, June 15, in the Hillsdale Neighbors community (location to be determined). All board members have indicated that they are willing to stand for re-election.

The meeting was held by video. Minutes submitted by Miri Navasky.

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